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Lord Norman Foster in the rooms of his foundation in Madrid, while being interview about Dieter Rams   
Filmstill ©  Norman Foster Foundation

Gerrit Terstiege in an Interview with Lord Norman Foster

“His Appeal is truely universal”

Lord Norman Foster on Dieter Rams: “His work is in many ways quite witty. The touches of colour, the changes of contrast. It’s wonderfully optimistic. There’s a lightness of touch. There’s an elegance.” Further assessments by Foster on architecture and design as well as on the history and future of both disciplines: here as a video and in text form.
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Hans Ulrich Obrist in an interview with Dieter Rams

“Epiphanies happen only occasionally”

Through his sleek and intentional work that has inspired generations of designers, the German living legend developed ten principles of good design, a set of guidelines that provides a blueprint of ethics, longevity and beauty. Interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist.  Read more >

Cover of the Capsule Magazine 2023
© Capsule Magazin, Mailand
Historical meeting: In 2012, Naoto Fukasawa visited Dieter Rams in his home in Kronberg   © Studio Fukasawa

Naoto Fukasawa

“Simplicity does not mean just making a box, but to create a harmony”

The Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa has a long relationship with Dieter Rams and his work. As a student in the 1980s, he was first confronted with Braun products: as examples of good design. Here, Fukasawa talks about subtle details and shades of gray — as well as his special, personal connection to Dieter Rams.  Read more >