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© Vitsœ
© rams foundation
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Since 1994, the Dieter and Ingeborg Rams Foundation has been dedicated to supporting responsible and sensible product design. In particular, it seeks to critically examine and address, in various formats, the future demands on industrial design. Further, the foundation’s objectives include the scholarly analysis and public presentation of the founders’ design activities.
Dieter und Ingeborg Rams Stiftung
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Since 1992, the Dieter and Ingeborg Rams Foundation has been dedicated to supporting responsible and sensible product design. In particular, it seeks to critically examine and address, in various formats, the future demands on industrial design. Further, the foundation’s objectives include the scholarly analysis and public presentation of the founders’ design activities.
© Norman Foster Foundation

Lord Norman Foster Interview

„His Appeal is truely universal”

Lord Norman Foster on Dieter Rams: “His work is in many ways quite witty. The touches of colour, the changes of contrast. It’s wonderfully optimistic. There’s a lightness of touch. There’s an elegance.” Further assessments by Foster on architecture and design as well as on the history and future of both disciplines: here as a video and in text form. Read more >

Dieter Rams and Teaching

The Hamburg Years

A major chapter in the life of Dieter Rams about which little is known so far is that he was a professor of industrial design at the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg from 1981 to 1997. In search of traces.  Read more >
Feedback on student designs: Dieter Rams at the familiar Vitsœ table accompanied by a Jieldé lamp in his room att he HFBK Hamburg 
Foto: Jo Klatt © Hartmut Jatzke-Wigand

Hans Ulrich Obrist in an Interview with Dieter Rams

“Epiphanies happen only occasionally”

Through his sleek and intentional work that has inspired generations of designers, the German living legend developed ten principles of good design, a set of guidelines that provides a blueprint of ethics, longevity and beauty. Interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist.  Read more >

Cover of the CAPSULE Magazine 2023 
© Capsule Magazin, Mailand

Dieter Rams and Colours

FM Radio: Red-Orange

It is precisely because colours play a seemingly subordinate role in the work of Dieter Rams that they are assigned great significance. A contradiction?  Read more >
Here too, a striking red-orange: the central FM radio button of the regie 500 control unit from 1968 
© rams foundation


Braun Design in Asia

When considering Braun’s relationship with Asia, it immediately becomes clear that the German company has oriented itself internationally from the very outset. This is true both in terms of its products and sales markets. The Volksempfänger radio, with its short range, was followed in 1933 by the Fernempfangs-Vorsatz, an attachment for the Volksempfänger in order to increase the range for European reception. The T 1000 world receiver of 1963, with which all short-wave transmitters worldwide could be received, became legendary.  Read more >

The Daelim Museum in Seoul, location of the 5th exhibition station of Less and More, 2010/11 
© Daelim Cultural Foundation