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Dieter Rams

10 Principles for Good Design

I expressed in ten principles the basic considerations that determine my work as a designer, and which represent the main features of my design philosophy. However, they are not intended to be, nor can they be, regarded as incontrovertible, because the ideas of what constitutes good design continue to evolve – just as technology and culture also advance.  Read more >
Dieter Rams in the Vitsœ showroom in London
© Vitsœ


Tokyo Manifesto

On the occasion of the Less and More exhibition in Tokyo, Dieter Rams addressed an appeal to young designers that reflects his attitude to design.  Read more >
Lecture of the Tokyo Manifesto during the symposium of the Tokyo Musashino Art University
Photo: Keiko Ueki-Poulet © rams foundation


Rams Design for Braun

From 1955 to 1995, Dieter Rams worked briefly as an interior designer, then as a product designer and head of the design department for the Braun company. In the process, he and his team developed a design approach that is still recognised worldwide today and is considered exemplary for products that are both sensible and beautiful and durable.

Close cooperation

Rams Design for Vitsœ

In 1959 Dieter Rams asked Erwin Braun if he could design furniture for furniture-maker Niels Vitsœ and designer Otto Zapf. As Rams recalls, Braun’s spontaneous answer was “Yes. It will help the market for our radios.” A year later, in 1960, the wall-mounted 606 Universal Shelving System was launched by Vitsœ + Zapf, followed in 1962 by the 620 Chair Programme and numerous other furniture developed during the 1960s. In 1970 the company became ‘Vitsœ’ following Zapf’s departure. Upon Niels Vitsoe’s death in 1995 the company moved under the direction of Mark Adams to the United Kingdom from where it has worked closely with Rams to this day, developing and improving his furniture during a working relationship of more than 60 years. In 2017 Vitsœ opened its acclaimed naturally-lit timber production building from where it exports Rams’s furniture to more than 90 countries.