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© Vitsœ
© rams foundation
Since 1994, the Dieter and Ingeborg Rams Foundation has been dedicated to supporting responsible and sensible product design. In particular, it seeks to critically examine and address, in various formats, the future demands on industrial design. Further, the foundation’s objectives include the scholarly analysis and public presentation of the founders’ design activities.
Dieter und Ingeborg Rams Stiftung
Since 1992, the Dieter and Ingeborg Rams Foundation has been dedicated to supporting responsible and sensible product design. In particular, it seeks to critically examine and address, in various formats, the future demands on industrial design. Further, the foundation’s objectives include the scholarly analysis and public presentation of the founders’ design activities.
Portrait of Päivi Tahkokallio
Päivi Tahkokallio visiting Oulu, the future European Capital of Culture (2026)
© Antti Kokkonen

Päivi Tahkokallio interview

“People working in design should be proactive”

A conversation with a special perspective from the far north: Päivi Tahkokallio is one of the most prominent strategists and design activists in Finland. What does she think about Dieter Rams‘ legacy? And what topics and issues is she currently campaigning for?
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Esther and Dimitrios Tsatsas interview

“The context must always call the dogma into question”

An unknown design by Dieter Rams from the 1960s made the young Frankfurt bag brand TSATSAS even better known internationally. We spoke to the German-Greek couple about the hurdles they had to overcome to develop from designers to entrepreneurs.
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Portrait of Dimitrios and Esther Tsatsas
Simple, black clothing as a clear signal: Dimitrios and Esther Tsatsas, portrayed by their friend and colleague Gerhardt Kellermann. © TSATSAS
Dieter Rams. The Complete Works
Dieter Rams: The Complete Works, written and edited by Prof. Dr. Klaus Klemp

Now available:

Dieter Rams: The Complete Works in French

The French edition of Dieter Rams: The Complete Works, written and edited by Prof. Dr. Klaus Klemp, is now available.

Duy Phong Vu and Markus Orthey interview

„Braun doesn’t need to follow these fast trends”

In our interview with entrepreneur Fabio De’Longhi, it became clear how important it is to him to maintain the Braun culture and tradition. Duy Phong Vu and Markus Orthey, two designers who have long been the shaping present-day version of Braun Household, while also developing it for the future, now share their thoughts.
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Markus Orthey and Duy Phong Vu at Braun
Team meeting of Braun Household in Neu-Isenburg: Markus Orthey (left) and Duy Phong Vu (centre) with colleagues. © Niels Geisselbrecht
form 45
Cover of the magazine form with a motif from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick
© Verlag form

Jürgen Werner Braun Interview

“Rams challenged us!”

The achievements of the long-standing Managing Director Jürgen Werner Braun in terms of design in Germany in general and his commitment to the Franz Schneider Brakel company in particular continue to have an impact to this day. Here he talks about how design exhibitions can provide concrete impetus for the economy. And why, for him, Stanley Kubrick anticipated artificial intelligence.
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23 October 2024

3rd Dieter Rams Forum

discussion on design studies at the Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt a.M.

Following the successful event on 23 February 2024, which focused on industrial design studies at technical universities, a sequel followed on 23 October 2024.
In Germany, a relevant degree programme at university level is predominantly offered at art colleges. This third discussion event focused on the possibly different or similar characteristics and curricula of different universities. It also addressed the recurring question of the relationship between art and design in design practice.  Read more >

Third discussion rams foundation   
© rams foundation

Jonathan Ive Interview

‘He articulated the way it should be’

Numerous international designers have expressed how much Dieter Rams‘ work means to them. But the impact of what Jonathan Ive did through words and actions for the Braun design revival of the Rams era was and is immense and ensures a worldwide response—to this day. Time for an interview with the long-time Apple design chief.  Read more >

Portrait of Jonathan Ive taking of his glasses
Portrait of long-time Apple design chief Jonathan Ive, taken in 2022 by British photographer and filmmaker Alasdair McLellan.  © Alasdair McLellan
Fabio De'Longhi
Family entrepreneur Fabio De'Longhi Vice-Chairman and CEO of De'Longhi © De'Longhi Group

Fabio De'Longhi Interview

"Design has to be alive"

In 2012, the family-run De’Longhi Group took over the Braun Household division. In our interview, Fabio De’Longhi talks about how he sees Dieter Rams‘ legacy and what he expects from the future in terms of design, production methods and management strategies. Read more >

Jasper Morrison Interview

"Some Designers have a complete Vision of the Future"

Similar to Dieter Rams, one of Jasper Morrison’s grandfathers played a crucial role in his development as a designer. Here the British designer talks about his early, experimental years as a student in Berlin in the 1980s. And about how he classifies today’s phenomena such as retro design and AI. Read more >

Chairs"All Plastic Chair" designed by Jasper Morrison for Vitra
APC (All Plastic Chair) design by Jasper Morrison for Vitra, 2016   © Vitra
© Norman Foster Foundation

Lord Norman Foster Interview

„His Appeal is truely universal”

Lord Norman Foster on Dieter Rams: “His work is in many ways quite witty. The touches of colour, the changes of contrast. It’s wonderfully optimistic. There’s a lightness of touch. There’s an elegance.” Further assessments by Foster on architecture and design as well as on the history and future of both disciplines: here as a video and in text form. Read more >

Dieter Rams and Teaching

The Hamburg Years

A major chapter in the life of Dieter Rams about which little is known so far is that he was a professor of industrial design at the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg from 1981 to 1997. In search of traces.  Read more >
Feedback on student designs: Dieter Rams at the familiar Vitsœ table accompanied by a Jieldé lamp in his room att he HFBK Hamburg 
Foto: Jo Klatt © Hartmut Jatzke-Wigand

Hans Ulrich Obrist in an Interview with Dieter Rams

“Epiphanies happen only occasionally”

Through his sleek and intentional work that has inspired generations of designers, the German living legend developed ten principles of good design, a set of guidelines that provides a blueprint of ethics, longevity and beauty. Interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist.  Read more >

Cover of the CAPSULE Magazine 2023 
© Capsule Magazin, Mailand

Dieter Rams and Colours

FM Radio: Red-Orange

It is precisely because colours play a seemingly subordinate role in the work of Dieter Rams that they are assigned great significance. A contradiction?  Read more >
Here too, a striking red-orange: the central FM radio button of the regie 500 control unit from 1968 
© rams foundation


Braun Design in Asia

When considering Braun’s relationship with Asia, it immediately becomes clear that the German company has oriented itself internationally from the very outset. This is true both in terms of its products and sales markets. The Volksempfänger radio, with its short range, was followed in 1933 by the Fernempfangs-Vorsatz, an attachment for the Volksempfänger in order to increase the range for European reception. The T 1000 world receiver of 1963, with which all short-wave transmitters worldwide could be received, became legendary.  Read more >

The Daelim Museum in Seoul, location of the 5th exhibition station of Less and More, 2010/11 
© Daelim Cultural Foundation

Duy Phong Vu und Markus Orthey Interview

„Braun muss diesen schnellen Trends nicht folgen”

In unserem Interview mit dem Unternehmer Fabio De’Longhi wurde deutlich, wie wichtig ihm die Bewahrung der Braun-Kultur und -Tradition ist. Mit Duy Phong Vu und Markus Orthey kommen hier nun zwei Gestalter zu Wort, die seit langem die Gegenwart von Braun Household prägen – und für die Zukunft weiterentwickeln.
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